Cal Thomas - Choosing life | WORLD
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Cal Thomas - Choosing life


WORLD Radio - Cal Thomas - Choosing life

A personal reflection in light of the Dobbs decision


PAUL BUTLER, HOST: Today is Thursday, June 30th. Good morning! This is The World and Everything in It from listener-supported WORLD Radio. I’m Paul Butler.

MYRNA BROWN, HOST: And I’m Myrna Brown. Up next, commentator Cal Thomas with a very personal reflection after last week’s Dobbs’ decision.

CAL THOMAS, COMMENTATOR: Abortion is presented by the media and activists as the only rational choice by women who are experiencing an unexpected pregnancy. That isn’t true, and I have a personal story to share that underscores that truth.

But first, this thought. Some editorial writers, columnists and activists are working overtime to tell stories of women who oppose last week’s ruling by the Supreme Court overturning Roe vs. Wade.

The word “choice” has been used by those opposed to any restrictions on abortion. If all choices are to be considered equal, then none is to be preferred. We don’t apply that to any other category of life and law.

The fifty-year debate – and the continuing debate going forward – is personal for me. My late daughter became pregnant before marriage and delivered a daughter. That daughter grew up, became a nurse, and now has two children of her own. One of her children was also conceived out of wedlock. He has grown into a handsome and intelligent young man.

Rather than my telling her story, I will let her tell it. Her name is Crystal and she posted this on her Facebook page after the court ruling:

“I was 19 when I found out I was pregnant with my first child. I didn’t have any future plans. Just taking one day at a time. The father of my child didn’t want to be involved so it was just me. Never did I think abortion was my solution. I had people tell me my life would be ruined. I would not be able to provide for my unborn child. Doctors encouraged me to get an abortion.

I became a mother. My instincts to love, protect and nurture my child were immediate. I didn’t have a college degree or a well-paying job. I didn’t have a bunch of money. I didn’t even have a car!

Having my child set me on a path and God guided me the whole way. I am thankful to have the courage and the ability to think for myself to make my own decisions. I am thankful I was not easily swayed by the lies that abortion is and was the only solution. If you find yourself in a similar situation, there is help! People say pro-lifers don’t care about the child once the baby is born. That is a huge lie. There are so many resources out there for young pregnant moms and people who choose life but need help to build a strong foundation.

There are people who can’t have children and WANT them. Adoption is a beautiful thing. Death for convenience and out of fear is not so beautiful. I know people who have shared their abortion stories with me and not one of them was because of a defect, rape, or abuse. Every single one was because of fear. I want to share my story to counter the big lies told by the abortion industry.

It’s a business. They don’t care about you or your baby. They want the money. My first born is 16. He is smart, funny, responsible, dedicated, and I’m so lucky I get to be his mom. I am where I am today in my life because I became a mother early on. I don’t regret a second of it. I have achieved so much in my life. Having a child didn’t hold me back…it propelled me.”

There is not much I can add to that.

Generations will be born because these two women chose life in circumstances that were less than ideal. And by the way, both later had committed their lives to Christ.

I'm Cal Thomas.

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