Cal Thomas: Advice for Judge Kavanaugh | WORLD
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Cal Thomas: Advice for Judge Kavanaugh


WORLD Radio - Cal Thomas: Advice for Judge Kavanaugh

MARY REICHARD, HOST: Today is Thursday, the 27th of September. Good morning! This is The World and Everything in It from member-supported WORLD Radio. I’m Mary Reichard.

NICK EICHER, HOST: And I’m Nick Eicher.

Next up, Cal Thomas with some advice for Judge Brett Kavanaugh about this morning’s scheduled hearing: bring some passion.

CAL THOMAS, COMMENTATOR: At times Brett and Ashley Kavanaugh sounded rehearsed and overly cautious in their “exclusive” interview with Fox News host Martha MacCallum Monday night. Brett Kavanaugh repeated verbatim lines about defending his character and allowing the “process” to play out. He said he would not withdraw in the face of unsubstantiated charges against him.

In our age, when feelings often matter more than facts, it might have helped the Kavanaughs gain more support had Ashley Kavanaugh read from the hate mail she has received. The Wall Street Journal obtained some of the messages and published only those that could be quoted in a family newspaper. They were horrible and hateful. One said, “May your husband burn in hell.” Another instructed her to put a bullet in his head.

Will this horror show never end? People who lament the loss of civility in Washington and in general political conversation need to denounce this process. It has become like a slaughterhouse of candidates for high positions whose worldview might differ from those of the opposition party or persuasion. But we’re talking about fellow citizens—who deserve at least a modicum of respect as well as a polite debate on issues.

In his prepared remarks for today’s hearing, Kavanaugh noted that this ugly process will deter good people from seeking office. For good people who seek to uphold the Constitution, he is correct.

Too many politicians and judges today regard the Constitution as an inconvenience in the pursuit of their goal of social and political transformation. Their idea of an ideal judge is one who is ruled by the spirit of the age, opinion polls, and feelings, not a document that is the nation’s legal and governmental foundation and has served us well in good and bad times. Kavanaugh’s fidelity to the Constitution scares them.

The latest Fox News Poll shows support for Kavanaugh’s confirmation slipping from 45 percent approval in August to just 40 percent now and his disapproval rising from 46 percent last month to a current 50 percent.

The truth matters, of course. But the truth from 36 years ago is unknowable for virtually everyone involved. Today’s hearing will be all about the optics.

If Kavanaugh is telling the truth, he should have no problem being passionate in his own defense—for the sake of his reputation, the court he seeks to join, and the Constitution itself.

For WORLD Radio, I’m Cal Thomas.

(AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin) Brett Kavanaugh, left, looks at his wife Ashley Estes Kavanaugh as they answer questions during a FOX News interview, Monday, Sept. 24, 2018, in Washington, about allegations of sexual misconduct against the Supreme Court nominee. 

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