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What makes for good law?

An African Christian’s view of the controversial Uganda bill

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One of the biggest differences between African Christians and Christians in the West is that African Christians still believe homosexuality is an abomination.

When Uganda passed the Anti-Homosexuality Act last week, some evangelicals in the West reacted with repulsion—dismissing such a law as non-Christian. What separates those evangelicals from African Christians is that African Christians are repulsed by homosexual sin, not anti-homosexual laws.

As a Ghanaian immigrant, I think this is because homosexuality has become normalized in West. In fact, it’s become the most celebrated “identity.” And if we’re honest, those of us who are Christians in the West have become less repulsed by homosexual sin.

It can be difficult to be repulsed by homosexual sin when so many of our beloved relatives, friends, coworkers, or church members engage in or struggle with homosexual sin.

An abomination ceases to be an abomination (in our minds) when it becomes common practice in our culture. We are no longer shocked.

And worse, in Western society—Biblical Christianity is now considered the abomination, not homosexuality. A moral revolution has taken place.

But that doesn’t mean there aren’t legitimate concerns about Uganda’s law. I actually have mixed feelings about it, and I think most Christians celebrating the law would have mixed feelings too—if they read what it says.

However, LGBT activists and other leftists in the West do not have mixed feelings about the law. They’re outraged. If they were honest, they would admit they believe Africans are the most hateful and bigoted people in the world.

Their reactions to Uganda’s law expose their fraudulent beliefs about multiculturalism. They don’t really believe in multiculturalism. They don’t really believe all cultures are equally valid. They don’t believe all cultures can coexist.

They only use multiculturalism as a weapon against Western culture. 

Actually, they’re radically committed to what Nigerian scholar Obianuju Ekeocha calls ideological neocolonialism. For decades, Western nations have pressured African nations to adopt leftist views on abortion and homosexuality in exchange for money.

So as an African, I’m especially proud that Uganda has maintained its independence.

Like many things in our fallen world, Uganda’s anti-gay bill isn’t entirely good or entirely bad.

However, as I suggested earlier, I have mixed feelings about the law as passed. I generally support Uganda’s anti-gay legislation and the general principle. After all, that type of law isn’t rare in Africa. Most African nations have similar laws, and some of these nations (like Ghana) will also be introducing new anti-homosexuality bills in the near future.

I’m a libertarian on many issues. However, as Albert Mohler says, “there is no universal human right to commit homosexual acts.” He’s right, of course. Homosexuality isn’t an unalienable right. Otherwise, we would have to say God’s moral law on homosexual sin is a human rights violation. Which would be absurd.

Also, contrary to what many have said, the law doesn’t make homosexuality a capital crime. Although, frankly, a law that made it a capital crime wouldn’t be unjust. After all, God’s punishment for homosexuality in ancient Israel wasn’t unjust. Denouncing the law as extreme or barbaric is a demonstration of what C.S. Lewis called “chronological snobbery,” the idea of judging something only in light of the present and forgetting the wisdom of the past. Indeed, in a Western context, the law does seem extreme. But does that say more about the Ugandan law or about Western cultures?

Only crimes of “aggravated homosexuality” are considered capital offenses in the law. The “aggravation” is defined in terms of assault or crimes against children.

What concerns me, however, about the law is its restrictions on free speech and extremely soft punishment for false accusations.

Ugandans who are found guilty of promoting homosexuality can be imprisoned for up to 20 years. I don’t think that’s just. Ugandans should have the right to protest laws against homosexuality without fear of legal punishment.

We Christians should be especially concerned about this. This restriction on free speech is similar to many of the blasphemy laws in many Muslim nations in Africa. I’m concerned that it could strengthen blasphemy laws and harm the work of Christian organizations like Alliance Defending Freedom International who are fighting for freedom of speech in Africa.

I’m also concerned about the soft punishment for false accusations. According to the law, false accusations of homosexuality can receive up to one year in prison. That’s pathetic, given the severe penalties at stake.

Like many things in our fallen world, Uganda’s anti-gay bill isn’t entirely good or entirely bad. Some parts of the law are consistent with a Biblical justice. However, some other aspects of the law clearly need improvement.

Uganda’s law on homosexuality is imperfect. But it’s surely better than America’s embrace of abomination. Yet some evangelicals in the West are seem more willing to back the sexual revolution than to oppose it, even with the law.

Samuel Sey

Samuel Sey is the founder of SlowToWrite.com and a contributor at True North Centre. He’s a former community liaison at the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform and the former spokesman on critical race theory for Parents as First Educators. Samuel is a Ghanaian Canadian and currently resides in Ohio with his wife.

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