Christian Opinions On Today's News | WORLD
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The Supreme Court at its best

The Supreme Court at its best

Erin Hawley | The justices did the right thing in restraining government overreach

Adeline A. Allen | Maybe Christians should reconsider how we think about college

Erick Erickson | A federal judge takes on government collusion with Big Media

Adeline A. Allen | But fidelity to a community and a place does mean something


A.S. Ibrahim | Don’t expect a deal between Israel and Saudi Arabia anytime soon

Samuel D. James | Surgeon general’s warning about social media states what is now obvious but still urgent

Barton J. Gingerich | The slope really is slippery after a rejection of God’s standards

Jennifer Marshall Patterson | A year of post-pandemic scores shows the urgency of helping students recover lost ground

Bethel McGrew | When “misgendering” and “deadnaming” become crimes

Jerry Bowyer | Sloppy Biblical arguments can’t save the president’s imperial debt decree