Christian Opinions On Today's News | WORLD
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Jordan J. Ballor | College esports is an opportunity for Christian discipleship

John D. Wilsey | Labor Day reminds us of the dignity of work

Andrew T. Walker | You are an image bearer, not an instinct factory

Ted Kluck | So put down your phones and thumbs


Ericka Andersen | The Biden Justice Department shows its partisan stripes in abortion decisions

Barton J. Gingerich | Evangelicals must reject both far-left and far-right lies

Brad Littlejohn | Big Tech unleashes a new feudal system

Daniel R. Suhr | Evangelicals should care about the direction of the Roman Catholic Church

Katelyn Walls Shelton | The GOP presidential candidate hedges on abortion

Craig A. Carter | In Canada, a professional group uses vague statements against Jordan Peterson to intimidate its members