Christian Opinions On Today's News | WORLD
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Shutting down pro-life speech

Shutting down pro-life speech

Daniel R. Suhr | Laws targeting pregnancy centers seek to stifle competition

R. Albert Mohler Jr. | Andy Stanley’s departure from Biblical Christianity

Joe Rigney | Christians should take note of the increasing clarity of the neopagans

Lael Weinberger | The 9th Circuit defends the rights of religious students


Ted Kluck | On Aaron Rodgers and the sadness of deconstruction

Erin Hawley | Our Constitution protects the freedom not only to believe but to act

Aidan Johnston | The current debate on no-fault divorce ignores the harm to children

Joseph Backholm | Michigan’s conversion therapy ban is a solution in search of a problem

Jordan J. Ballor | The viability of our political institutions requires new expressions of virtue

Steven Wedgeworth | In a new era, Christians should remain engaged in politics but must not sacrifice our identity