Christian Opinions On Today's News | WORLD
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The Religious Freedom Restoration Act at 30

The Religious Freedom Restoration Act at 30

Jennifer Marshall Patterson | Some original supporters of the landmark law to protect conscience rights now want to weaken it

Adam M. Carrington | Remember to be thankful for the right things and to the true Giver of those things

Samuel D. James | Sixty years later, C.S. Lewis speaks to the needs of our times

R. Albert Mohler Jr. | Speaker Johnson points to the Bible and the left freaks out


Marc LiVecche | An American military response to militia attacks is tricky but necessary

Kristen Waggoner | A Catholic bishop gets 26 years in prison for speaking the truth

A.S. Ibrahim | The glorification of Osama bin Laden reveals the failure of both parents and schools

Adam M. Carrington | On the anniversary of the Gettysburg Address, we must renew liberty and equality as that speech defined them

Brad Littlejohn | Christian study centers show what universities were meant to be

Barton J. Gingerich | The Church of England’s approval of same-sex blessings means it’s time to leave