Christian Opinions On Today's News | WORLD
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Will the real Kanye West please stand up?

Will the real Kanye West please stand up?

Bethel McGrew | The quandaries of celebrity Christianity

F. Matthew Eppinette | What should we do with hundreds of thousands of frozen embryos?

Mark Tooley | A rapidly declining denomination jumps into the worldly abyss

Roland C. Warren | Has the Republican position on abortion essentially become pro-choice?


Lael Weinberger | Litigation over Ohio’s law on medical treatment and gender identity can teach some lessons about the role of the courts

Carl R. Trueman | Why aren’t pundits who bashed evangelicals as racists more vocal about rampant anti-Semitism on the left?

Ted Kluck | Mark Driscoll as a barometer of evangelical cynicism

Katelyn Walls Shelton | The GOP speaker and “the most complicated House since the Civil War”

Brad Littlejohn | Many people want to conserve the only status quo that they know

Anne Kennedy | The controversy at NPR reveals deep confusion about truth