Christian Opinions On Today's News | WORLD
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The Methodist surrender

The Methodist surrender

Carl R. Trueman | The UMC lost sight of what it means to be human

Joe Rigney | Harrison Butker refused to accept progressivism as the default operating system for society

Jerry Bowyer | Christians need to wake up to the fact that BlackRock’s anti-energy agenda is hostile to human dignity

Erick Erickson | The liberalism of Pope Francis was again on full display


Rachel Roth Aldhizer | If we are pro-life, that logic extends to IVF

Emma Waters | The Lone Star State’s crusade against pornography

A.S. Ibrahim | But until the Islamist regime is gone, the oppression of the Iranian people will continue

Ray Hacke | Christian athletes should emulate Harrison Butker’s boldness on matters of faith

Daniel R. Suhr | The left comes for Justice Sonia Sotomayor

Colin J. Smothers | What gender language “monitoring” at the United Methodist General Conference reveals