Christian Opinions On Today's News | WORLD
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With great debt comes great responsibility—and great danger

With great debt comes great responsibility—and great danger

Jordan J. Ballor | In the long run, our children and grandchildren will pay the price of our profligacy

R. Albert Mohler Jr. | What his turns on abortion and other moral issues tell us about America

Mark Tooley | Backing Taiwan against its Chinese aggressor

Erin Hawley | The Supreme Court is set to revisit disastrous abortion rulings


Russell Vought | The attorney general tries to shut down the wave of dissent against school boards

David C. Innes | A weak government is a government that betrays God’s calling

Jennifer Marshall Patterson | The Biden spending bill and the changing fabric of our lives

Katelyn Walls Shelton | Facebook knows that its platforms are dangerous to teens—and now it’s aiming for younger children

Brad Littlejohn | It turns out that humans are not in control of the universe

Erick Erickson | It’s dangerous to exchange relationships for mere connections