Christian Opinions On Today's News | WORLD
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Chris Pratt, thought criminal

Chris Pratt, thought criminal

Allie Beth Stuckey | The socially destructive world of social media shaming

David C. Innes | The transgender revolution is making its way onto government documents

Jerry Bowyer | Tax proposal is SALT in the wound to poor states

Russell Vought | “Build Back Better” is really about building big government


Craig A. Carter | Can the new University of Austin succeed?

R. Albert Mohler Jr. | If conservatism is not accountable to the moral law, it is nothing

Eric Patterson | Remembrance, honor, and the preservation of liberty

Mark Hemingway | It starts with honesty

Robert Nicholson | Lessons from the Abraham Accords

Daniel Huizinga | But is this a win for privacy or an on-ramp to something even worse?