Christian Opinions On Today's News | WORLD
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Major ISIS leader abandons Islam

Major ISIS leader abandons Islam

A.S. Ibrahim | A lack of trust in the Quran led to his decision

Mark Hemingway | But this time, a Washington Post article backfires

Daniel Darling | Partisan politics does not belong in the pulpit

Jordan J. Ballor | A Christian perspective on environmental stewardship


Erin Hawley | University admits it can’t force a professor to use preferred pronouns

Katelyn Walls Shelton | What does “justice” mean when it comes to abortion?

Jennifer Marshall Patterson | A decade after Chuck Colson’s death, his post-Watergate legacy continues to bear fruit

R. Albert Mohler Jr. | A federal judge puts an end to mandatory masks in transportation

Miles Smith | If you can apply the label to FDR and Billy Graham, what does it even mean?

Craig A. Carter | Gnosticism, Darwinism, and the modern evangelical mind