Christian Opinions On Today's News | WORLD
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No, ectopic pregnancies and miscarriages will not be criminalized

No, ectopic pregnancies and miscarriages will not be criminalized

Ericka Andersen | But pro-abortion advocates want you to think otherwise

Hunter Baker | And this divided world needs the anti-venom of the gospel

William Inboden | Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is reshaping the geopolitical order

Mark Hemingway | Businesses begin to see pushback in the culture war


Eric Patterson | Will the U.S. military soon follow its northern neighbor?

Craig A. Carter | By making friends with the world, the church becomes an enemy of God

Daniel Huizinga | But the Biden administration protects the status quo with its new charter school rules

Russell Vought | Alarm bells should go off every time an administration attempts to control information

Miles Smith | A bishop’s battle cry summons all evangelical Christians to have courage

Katelyn Walls Shelton | Democratic Party leaders reveal their extreme abortion ideology