Christian Opinions On Today's News | WORLD
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Yale, the Christian, and “unrelenting daily confrontation”

Yale, the Christian, and “unrelenting daily confrontation”

Kristen Waggoner | Believers have an opportunity and an obligation to defend First Amendment rights

A.S. Ibrahim | The death of a college student in Nigeria is the most recent example

Mark Tooley | Beware fascination with guns, or with gun control

Erin Hawley | Pro-abortion advocates and the media play down the permissiveness of U.S. laws


Christiana Kiefer | As the Education Department prepares to rewrite Title IX, the truths about biology aren’t lost on most of us

Brad Littlejohn | Thank God for the land of our birth and the courage of those willing to die for it

Daniel Darling | That includes Republicans and Democrats, gun owners and non–gun owners

Erick Erickson | A mechanism for exposing corporate America’s progressivism

Eric Patterson | Uncovered Chinese government documents expose atrocities against the Uyghurs

Daniel Huizinga | Throwing more money at the problem won’t stop the exodus