Christian Opinions On Today's News | WORLD
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The materialist magicians of transgenderism

Nathanael Blake | The claims of the transgender ideologues are both dangerous and untrue

Mark Tooley | Antisemitism is found in more than one form

A.S. Ibrahim | The influential intellectual reveals that he is unfamiliar with Islamic history and theology

Andrew T. Walker | It’s greater than you can see, and your role is vital


David C. Innes | Here comes physician-assisted suicide for children

Jeremy Dys | It’s time to stop the violence and intimidation

Ericka Andersen | Some doctors are now admitting the harm to children and teenagers

Bethel McGrew | Sometimes, the victimizers are also victims

Erin Hawley | Ironically, the calls for banning her book come from within a major publisher

R. Albert Mohler Jr. | And it’s not just marriage at stake, but religious freedom as well