Christian Opinions On Today's News | WORLD
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The election will be what you make of it

The election will be what you make of it

Erick Erickson | A midterm swing toward conservatism offers a social and cultural opportunity

Marc LiVecche | Remorse can lead to genuine repentance

Barton J. Gingerich | The secularization of the university comes with a high cost

Carl R. Trueman | Why same-sex marriage likely will not fall in a post-Roe world


Craig A. Carter | A brutal, ancient paganism is shaping the Western world

Dean Nelson | There are good reasons for Christians and Republicans to celebrate our newest national holiday

Kevin DeYoung | Having an important conversation on how to approach the conversation

Steven Wedgeworth | Don’t sacrifice culture in fighting the culture war

Ericka Andersen | Loving one’s neighbor means living in truth

R. Albert Mohler Jr. | The 60th anniversary of the birth of a political movement that set in motion the world we know today