Christian Opinions On Today's News | WORLD
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A wake-up call for the Magic Kingdom?

A wake-up call for the Magic Kingdom?

Samuel D. James | Disney’s progressive ideology is crippling its brand

Kristen Waggoner | The problems with the bill were—and are—dangerous for religious freedom

Ted Kluck | Trying to remember the (happier, holier) world before the social media giant

Mark Tooley | The floodgates are opening, and congregations are leaving the United Methodist Church


R. Albert Mohler Jr. | Yesterday, the United States Senate surrendered marriage

Daniel R. Suhr | It’s time for U.S. foreign policy to regain its footing, and stand for freedom

Erin Hawley | Threats to Supreme Court justices and their families must end

Brad Littlejohn | Why the language of rights beat the pro-life cause at the ballot

Daniel Darling | Christians must stand for marriage this Christmas

Adeline A. Allen | The decrease in marriage bodes ill for the country, and for its people