Christian Opinions On Today's News | WORLD
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Remember when the things we bought were just things?

Ted Kluck | Welcome to the age of product-based nostalgia films

Steven Wedgeworth | The DeSantis Twitter crash highlights the limitations of social media

Eric Patterson | A rising generation must be taught its meaning

Jerry Bowyer | What I’ve learned from years of wrestling with the retailer’s management team


William Inboden | Age hasn’t diminished the influence of the great diplomat and geopolitical theorist

Mark Hemingway | Pride month and anti-Christian mockery should prompt a response

Katie J. McCoy | Retailer teams up with very dark forces to promote LGBT agenda

Brad Littlejohn | Chaos at home can affect our country’s standing in the world

Samuel D. James | The late pastor wrote and preached for people like Jonah

R. Albert Mohler Jr. | The Los Angeles Dodgers grovel before the sexual revolutionaries