Christian Opinions On Today's News | WORLD
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We shall overcome?

We shall overcome?

D.G. Hart | Joe Biden’s “sermon” at an Atlanta church had all the trappings of Christian nationalism

Jerry Bowyer | Peter Thiel’s Oxford Union address warns of darkness ahead

Daniel R. Suhr | Rome sends the wrong signal to a hostile Beijing—again

Donald Sweeting | Is campus revival a genuine work of God?


Brad Littlejohn | Unhinged responses to a gentle ad campaign indicate hostility to Christianity

Marc LiVecche | There will be no literature left, once the rewriters have their way

Carl R. Trueman | Now is the time for prominent leaders and institutions to push back against the gender revolution

Katie J. McCoy | Celebrated doll maker now tries to convince some girls they’re boys

Adeline A. Allen | An unjust Supreme Court precedent pushes the country into a transgender ditch

Daniel R. Suhr | Don’t be too seriously Christian or the FBI might start a file on you