Christian Opinions On Today's News | WORLD
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It’s time to rein in the administrative state

It’s time to rein in the administrative state

Daniel R. Suhr | Will the Supreme Court tell Congress to do its job?

Thaddeus Williams | Cancel culture and the shared need for justification

R. Albert Mohler Jr. | Centuries of moral investment in marriage were wiped away

Joseph Backholm | Creating a pro-life culture requires reforming our culture’s deceptive view of sex


Jennifer Marshall Patterson | Parents in more states gain new choices in education

R. Albert Mohler Jr. | Watching and hearing the coronation of King Charles III

Erin Hawley | The left’s political offensive against the Supreme Court is way out of bounds

David Closson | The president, once a centrist on the issue, has become a pro-abortion zealot

Daniel R. Suhr | The high-profile company threw its political weight around—and found a governor who pushed back

Eric Patterson | A new report thoroughly defines religious freedom, and tells where it is under attack