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Corporate America marks another milestone against morality

Make a baby or murder one, Citigroup has you covered

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In response to the recent Texas law protecting unborn children from abortions after six weeks of pregnancy, New York–based banking giant Citigroup is taking employee benefits to a whole new level.

The global investment bank with more than 8,000 employees in Texas announced earlier this year that its health insurance plans will now compensate workers for expenses incurred while traveling out of state for abortions.

In a letter sent to stockholders, Citigroup said the policy change was “in response to changes in reproductive healthcare laws in certain states in the U.S.” While it doesn’t specifically mention abortion, the objective is clear.

In a culture where corporate entities battle incessantly to exhibit their progressive credentials, Citigroup is one of the first to wade into the abortion debate so directly. Its use of terminology like “reproductive healthcare” aligns with leftist-cultivated language meant to distract from the reality of abortion.

Texas Republican Party Chairman Matt Rinaldi clarified the new policy more aptly, saying it finances “the murder of unborn children.” Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush, son of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, said the policy supports “a culture of death.”

Ironically, Citigroup also offers assistance for adoption and infertility treatments under its insurance plan. Make a baby or murder one, Citigroup’s benefit plan has you covered.

Corporations like Citigroup can trumpet their morally bankrupt values all day, but life-affirming Christians are clearly winning key battles over abortion policy, as states across the nation continue to adopt legislation that elevates and protects life at all stages.

The truth is that corporate elitists aren’t in line with the American public. Polling shows that the majority of Americans oppose abortion in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, but you wouldn’t know that from progressive leadership in the Democratic Party or corporate America’s refusal to condemn abortion even at full term.

It’s baffling that women, who embody the miracle of carrying children, are the most vocal supporters of the barbarism that is abortion.

Uttering a word of criticism against abortion at any stage is a slippery-slope admission that it’s wrong at every stage. What magical moment, someone may ask, injects a life with value? When do human rights come into play? Some say at viability, but that marker continues to decrease with technological advancement. Thus, pro-abortion advocates continue to deny the scientific reality that life begins at conception. And as Christians, we know that God planned and promised our lives long before then.

Nevertheless, it’s no surprise that Citigroup is diving into the pro-abortion landscape with vigor. CEO Jane Fraser, the first woman to head up a major banking entity, is likely aiming to establish her feminist credentials. As Axios reported, 75 percent of the companies taking on similar policies have female CEOs.

It’s baffling that women, who embody the miracle of carrying children, are the most vocal supporters of the barbarism that is abortion. As a regretful, post-abortive friend once told me through tears, “I was supposed to be the safest space for them.”

With pro-abortion women at the helm, corporations not only support poisoning the safe space of the womb but want to help pay for it, too. Of course, they’ll never say “abortion” out loud or acknowledge that “terminating a pregnancy” means it had to have begun. To support abortion is to defy moral logic.

Since the U.S. Supreme Court decided Roe v. Wade in 1973, pro-lifers have worked diligently to reverse the policy, cheerfully marching on Washington during the annual March for Life and enduringly working to pass lifesaving legislation across the nation. After decades of activism work, the introduction of clarifying ultrasound technology, and a 63 percent increase in the survival of extremely premature infants, the public is no longer fooled by the deadly, coded language of abortion advocates.

What we know is this: Abortions in Texas decreased by half in the month after the state’s law went into effect. In 2017, there were a reported 55,440 abortions in Texas. If the post-law trend continues, that could be 25,000 more babies that live to breathe each year. Yes, people are traveling out of state. Yes, people are getting abortions illegally, but those numbers are going to be comparably low. Other states are sponsoring similar policies.

Some cultural trends may never reverse, but abortion may be an outlier. The biological realities of early life become more visible each day. From successful prenatal surgeries to ultrasounds displaying the play and movement of first-trimester babies, the womb is far less mysterious than it once was.

Planned Parenthood was founded by eugenicist Margaret Sanger, and the nation’s largest abortion provider does its best not to bring her up. We must pray that corporations like Citigroup will one day feel the same way about their corporate complicity in the destruction of human life.

Ericka Andersen

Ericka is a freelance writer and mother of two living in Indianapolis. She is the author of Leaving Cloud 9 and Reason to Return: Why Women Need the Church & the Church Needs Women. Ericka hosts the Worth Your Time podcast. She has been published in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Christianity Today, USA Today, and more.

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