Abortion at the center | WORLD
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Abortion at the center

Is Kamala Harris running for president of the United States or of Planned Parenthood?

Vice President Kamala Harris told her staff to plan a quick trip to Georgia on Friday, hoping to get some big headlines about abortion rights. She got them, of course, and abortion has become the biggest single issue of her campaign for the White House. When President Joe Biden was still in the race as the presumed Democratic nominee, Harris was announced as the administration’s point person on abortion. She was glad to take the role. Now, she has the lead role all to herself, and abortion has become her campaign’s central issue.

Of course, even as President Biden shifted to his own radical pro-abortion position to get the 2020 Democratic Party nomination, Harris has been there all along. Biden did not like to use the word “abortion,” but Harris was, at least in some contexts, willing to shout the word over and over again. By one count, she said “abortion” 15 times at a single event in Florida.

Attempting to get as many votes as possible, Harris has more recently shifted to talking about abortion as healthcare and restrictions on abortion as a “healthcare crisis.” That was the message she took to Atlanta, just one day after she had sent the same message in an appearance with Oprah Winfrey. Harris called all restrictions on abortion “immoral” and accused pro-life advocates of being “hypocrites” for defending unborn life. “How dare they? How dare they? Come on,” she chided.

Harris brought up the cases of women reported to have died preventable deaths because they were denied medical treatment, which was blamed on restrictive abortion laws. She spoke of one Georgia woman who died of medical complications after seeking to end her twin pregnancy by abortion. Arriving in another state too late for the scheduled abortion, the woman was given pills for a “medication abortion” on her own. She later developed complications from the abortion pill process and died. The vice president, joined by others on the pro-abortion side, believes this is a winning argument. Pro-life advocates responded directly that nothing in the Georgia law prevented doctors from treating the woman and saving her life. But Harris was undeterred. This is her campaign’s center of gravity.

Vice President Kamala Harris has not directly identified a single limitation or restriction she would accept—all the way up until birth. Not one. Not a single one.

One tragic aspect of this entire picture is what is profoundly missing: any acknowledgment that we are talking about a woman taking medications specifically intended to abort her pregnancy, to terminate the two developing lives within her. That is simply presented as a matter of what pro-abortion advocates see as routine medical practice. The babies simply disappear. There is no acknowledgment that we are talking about killing unborn human lives. Instead, abortion is reduced to nothing more than routine healthcare for women. Wait just a minute—the new language is “pregnant people,” except when campaigning for women’s votes. The unborn life just evaporates as a concern, not even worthy of mention, and all that remains is a woman’s autonomy and “reproductive health.” That term, used in this pro-abortion context, is both immoral and ironic since ending a process of reproduction is the whole point.

At this point in the campaign, with voting already underway in some states, we should note that Kamala Harris is running the most radical pro-abortion campaign in American history. She ran against Joe Biden in the early Democratic primaries for the 2020 nomination by attacking him for supporting the Hyde Amendment that prevents taxpayers from being coerced into paying for abortions. He promptly changed his position. Harris is fully committed to eliminating the Hyde Amendment and to providing abortions with federal tax monies.

As attorney general in California and then in the U.S. Senate, Harris was a consistent and radical defender of abortion and was the avowed enemy of abortion restrictions. She even argued that states should not be able to restrict abortion without federal approval (fat chance of getting that approval).

Now, she says she is continuing Biden’s demand that would “legislate Roe,” meaning put the structure of Roe v. Wade back into place through federal legislation. It’s all a lie. It’s always been a lie. Even if President Biden honestly meant what he said, he was lying to himself. His own party would never settle for legislation that merely codified Roe. They are going for broke, and Harris has been pushing for broke all along.

Need proof? Look at the excitement of the pro-abortion crowd. Look at her promise to end the Hyde Amendment and fund abortion with revenue taken from the federal taxpayer. Look at the proposals to use the entire federal government to advance the abortion cause. Look at her opposition to crisis pregnancy centers and states’ rights. Look at who she chose as her running mate. Finally, look at one central and undeniable fact: Vice President Kamala Harris has not directly identified a single limitation or restriction she would accept—all the way up until birth. Not one. Not a single one.

As a CNN headline reported last week, “Harris is banking on one key issue.” You bet she is, and she is proud of it.

R. Albert Mohler Jr.

Albert is president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Boyce College and editor of WORLD Opinions. He is also the host of The Briefing and Thinking in Public. He is the author of several books, including The Gathering Storm: Secularism, Culture, and the Church. He is the seminary’s Centennial Professor of Christian Thought and a minister, having served as pastor and staff minister of several Southern Baptist churches.

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You can argue all day long about the constitution and the commandments but until our faith becomes all of our life instead of part of it the watching world will see us as bad background noise. It is the "christians" who need to wake up...unless you can espouse the sovereignty of the Creator over all of creation we have a dichotomy that causes compromise and we lose our influence in the culture.
We need to confront the "feel good" teaching and attitude that emanates from many well meaning believers who don't fully comprehend the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. When we kill our unborn we are interrupting the plan and purpose of His will and His design...that should be the consideration in all of our decisions. It is this respect and honor and living for the glory and majesty of the King of the Universe that will cause the ignorant and unbeliever to question not "when does life begin" but what is life and what does it mean to be human.
Otherwise those around us see us as irrelevant.

"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot"


Abortion is murder. And the party of death will do anything to maintain power so they can kill more.

Scots WhaHae

Rumor has it… However bad Harris may be, Trump is just as bad. Worse, actually. I’ve been told he was never really pro-life and he hates the unborn. Trump didn’t even get Roe removed, McConnell did. There is no safe haven for conscientious Christians in this new GOP that gutted all the good. That’s what I hear… Harris ‘24!

Despite calling Kamala out, Mohler has still “not directly identified a single” candidate to support Nov 5th.

But, for the first time I can recall, Mohler didn’t make any moral equivalence. Al refrained from his typical Trump talking points about the “political complexity” of Dinald’s “moral failures.”

Maybe he’s getting serious, here in the short hairs. Hope so.


Someone needs to confront Harris (unfortunately it won't be the Trump campaign) with the ONE AND ONLY question that needs to be answered: When does a baby become human? (and therefore warrant protection in law). She needs to be confronted directly and repeatedly, because she will avoid the answer at all costs.
- note that the follow-up question if a spokesperson tries to answer, is "what changes at that point in life, to make the baby become human?"

Big Jim

And so far, abortion has been winning at the ballot box every time it's been tested, even in "red" states. As America becomes more secular and irreligious, this is a natural outcome.

YnotNOWBig Jim

Not just more secular and irreligious - America is becoming more self-centered. Don't care about any of this "morality" stuff. Don't care about right or wrong, only what is going to make me "happy". (sad)

Work of His handsYnotNOW

On your first sentence, the latter is a result of the former. If people don’t love the Lord, there’s not going to be much love for neighbour either (aka, “morality stuff.”).

Having said that: we’re all self-centred and fail to love others as we should, and we failed (and still fail in many ways)to love Him as we should. Praise the Lord that on the cross, when we were His enemies, He exchanged the weight of our sin for His gracious love, fulfilling the moral law (love of God and neighbour) on our behalf. When our love-well runs low or when enemies tempt us to respond in kind rather than kindness, He gives us new in-fillings of grace to love in a way that we never could in the old, dead man or woman. Praise the Lord. His enemies will either know His mercy and be converted or face His wrath. In the end, Jesus wins and those babies will reign with Him. I take comfort in that.