A big march for children | WORLD
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A big march for children

Canadian parents finally wake up to the danger of gender identity

Protesters march against gender ideology in schools in Ottawa, Canada, on Sept. 20. Justin Tang/The Canadian Press via Associated Press

A big march for children
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On Sept 20, in over 100 cities across Canada, tens of thousands of concerned parents protested peacefully against the indoctrination of children in public schools in gender ideology. A new organization, the 1 Million March 4 Children, is a grassroots movement of people from all backgrounds.

At the march in my city, Pickering (adjacent to Toronto), the crowd was estimated at 2,000 to 3,000 people, many of whom were Muslim, with most of the rest being from many Christian denominations. Whites were in the minority. It was moms and dads of all colors pushing strollers and holding signs saying: “Leave Our Kids Alone” and “Education Not Indoctrination.” Teens wore signs that said: “I go to school to learn math and English, not to be indoctrinated.” The most frequent chant among marchers was “Leave Our Kids Alone.” Other signs said things like: “We have nothing against LBGT people, we just want to raise our own children.”

Canadians are tolerant people, but everybody has a breaking point, and right now, the indoctrination of young children by fanatical ideologues appears to have crossed the line.

It was largely new, immigrant Canada pitted against old, liberal Canada. The left rationalizes multiculturalism as hospitality on the grounds that we old-school Canadians should not impose our values on those who do not share our religion or heritage. But now that Christianity has been pushed to the margins, the far left imposes its ideology without restraint or respect. A teacher in Edmonton is under investigation after being caught on video telling off Muslim students for staying home to skip out on one of the dozens of Pride events held in schools continuously, but especially in June. At one point in her rant, she says, “You don’t belong here, and I mean it.” This intolerance to dissent from the LBGTQ party line is becoming common in Canadian public schools.

Both Muslims and Christians are getting the feeling that the LGBTQ fanatics who have infiltrated the schools are bent on converting us or pushing us out. People in California have other states to move to, but we have no other country, just Canada. Many immigrants cannot afford to homeschool or start private schools. Many are afraid for their children.

Both Muslims and Christians are getting the feeling that the LGBTQ fanatics who have infiltrated the schools are bent on converting us or pushing us out.

During the Pickering march, about 50 counter-protestors—organized by the Canadian Union of Public Employees— gathered across the street. These included a United Church of Canada female minister holding a large banner. This denomination is so liberal it allows atheists as ministers.

The police in Pickering did a good job of keeping the two groups apart, and they probably outnumbered the counter-protestors. But in Toronto on Friday, it was a vastly different story. Josh Alexander, a young man who was kicked out of his Catholic School for standing up for some girls who didn’t want a male in their restroom, has become a leader in the fight against LBGTQ intolerance. He was joined at a protest at a Catholic school by Billboard Chris, who travels the world speaking to people on the street, changing hearts one conversation at a time.

But this time, antifa thugs showed up and beat Josh’s brother, Nick, with a metal pipe before the protest began. Toronto Police did nothing to keep the two groups apart and arrested nobody except the victim. This is what Nick looked like as he was about to be arrested. He was later released without being charged after being held for hours without his family being able to make sure he was all right.

Why did this injustice happen? It appears that powerful forces in Canada protect antifa or at least lend it a degree of leeway others do not receive. Prime Minister Trudeau sent a tweet condemning “transphobia, homophobia, and biphobia” the day of the 1 Million March 4 Children as though to diminish the impact of would-be protesters. The day before the march, the leader of the Conservative Party, Pierre Poilievre sent an email instructing his MPs not to comment on the march, but then the day after the march, he tried to run to the front of the parade with a pro-parent tweet. Josh Alexander’s reply— “It’s ok @Pierre Poilievre. We’ll do it ourselves”—was an instant Twitter classic. The president of the nation’s largest union, Fred Hahn of the Canadian Union of Public Employees, marched with the counter-protestors and refused to condemn antifa.

At least one major Toronto newspaper, the Sun, is now admitting that there is a problem with peaceful protestors getting beaten up and arrested for saying that children should not be indoctrinated in far-left ideology in school. But parents cannot count on anyone else to take the lead. There is nobody left to protect the children except us.

Craig A. Carter

Craig A. Carter is the research professor of theology at Tyndale University in Toronto, Ontario, and theologian in residence at Westney Heights Baptist Church in Ajax, Ontario.

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