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Articles by WORLD Radio

The World and Everything in It: December 29, 2023

On Culture Friday, reflecting on a year where critical theory was taken to greater logical extremes and more ideologically diverse voices called for a return to common sense and remembering musicians and actors who died in 2023. Plus, the Friday morning news

On the World Tour year in review, we look back at the top stories of persecution and political change around the globe; notable deaths in government and politics; and Cal Thomas on lessons for the new year from 1924. Plus, the Thursday morning news

On Washington Wednesday, big stories from the year that went under the radar; remembering the lives of pastors, musicians, and evangelists who died in 2023; and Janie B. Cheaney on theories drawn from computer science show us our place in the world. Plus, the Wednesday morning news

High and low moments in reporting on life, religious liberty, and from the sexuality, marriage, and family beat in 2023; notable deaths in business and science, and Joel Belz on who killed the joy of history. Plus, the Tuesday morning news


On this special Christmas Day program, WORLD families read Scripture from the Old and New Testaments to tell the story of Jesus’ first coming, an evening spent caroling, and Apollo astronauts read verses from Genesis while circling the moon 55 years ago

WORLD families read the Christmas story from Old Testament prophecies and the Gospels

On Culture Friday, the fallout from Pope Francis’ declaration condoning blessings for same-sex unions, Wonka and Migration offer amusing stories of family adventure, and remembering the birth of Jesus Christ on the Music of Advent. Plus, the Friday morning news

Iran-backed rebel groups in the Middle East threaten to disrupt global shipping, American families caring for aging relatives, and a living nativity in Kentucky. Plus, Word Play with George Grant and the Thursday morning news

On Washington Wednesday, the Senate stays late to work on a deal that won’t pass before Christmas; on World Tour, news from Chile, Australia, Lebanon, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo; and making space at the table for soldiers away from home during Christmas. Plus, Janie B. Cheaney on Handel’s Messiah and the Wednesday morning news

Pope Francis issues a papal declaration that allows blessings for same-sex unions, many families turn to melatonin supplements to help kids sleep, and a trip to a reindeer farm. Plus, Daniel Suhr on events before Israel’s war for independence and the Tuesday morning news