Todd Vician | WORLD
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Todd Vician

Todd Vician

Todd is a correspondent for WORLD. He is an Air Force veteran and a 2022 graduate of the World Journalism Institute mid-career course. He resides with his wife in San Antonio, Texas.

Articles by Todd Vician

The final salute

Todd Vician | One man’s mission to honor dying veterans

MONEY | Federal officials say medical bills should no longer factor into credit scores

BUSINESS | Rising retail theft cuts ever deeper into bottom lines

MONEY | Federal tool could supplant credit, debit cards


Military recruiters are finding it increasingly difficult to persuade young Americans to join the armed forces

Todd Vician | Generals scramble to meet recruiting goals amid flagging interest in military service

MONEY | American generosity declined significantly in 2022

BUSINESS | Republicans criticize stringent vehicle emissions targets

MONEY | Research examines the effects of pandemic job market

BUSINESS | “Disinformation” services blacklist conservative websites to choke off billions in ad revenue