Timothy Lamer | WORLD
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Timothy Lamer

Timothy Lamer

Tim is editor-at-large for WORLD News Group. His work has also appeared in The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and The Weekly Standard.

Articles by Timothy Lamer
As Madison goes ...

As Madison goes ...

The heated dispute over collective bargaining by public workers in Wisconsin has big implications for other states in budget holes

Timothy Lamer | Low fertility rates leave Western nations with little choice but to raise retirement ages.

A controversial budget proposal begins a much-needed deficit conversation

Timothy Lamer | The Graham-Kerry-Lieberman global warming bill faces a hostile climate in the Senate


Timothy Lamer | As Alan Greenspan defends his record, Fed bankers clash on the current low rate

Timothy Lamer | Researchers say rising incomes have led to more worries about keeping up

Timothy Lamer | Sex abuse scandal rocks Catholics in Europe

Timothy Lamer | Legislator wants to make sure all government workers pay their taxes

Timothy Lamer | The Greek debt crisis has no easy solution

A cold snap in late December and early January puts much of the world-and global warmists-on ice