Timothy Dalrymple | WORLD
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Timothy Dalrymple

Timothy is a former WORLD correspondent.

Articles by Timothy Dalrymple
Long's story

Long's story

Georgia megachurch hits hard times as famed pastor settles case involving scandalous charges

An unapologetic Harold Camping offers yet another prediction

The Presbyterian Church (USA) opens the door to gay ministers, but who is following?

Researchers rush to predict the demise of organized religion in the West


The English-speaking world prepares for the anniversary of the King James Bible

With Love Wins, Rob Bell and HarperCollins win.

Timothy Dalrymple | In a time of tremendous personal debt, Dave Ramsey is at the forefront of a fast-growing financial stewardship movement

The old Protestant denominations continue their decades-long decline

Alarmist video highlights Muslim growth, but 'Christians' may be their own worst enemies

The traditional holiday is gaining increasing favor in American culture