Susan is a former WORLD book reviewer, story coach, feature writer, and editor. She has authored eight historical novels for children and resides with her husband, Marvin, in Austin, Texas.
Follow Susan Olasky on Twitter @susanolasky
Susan Olasky | A personal account of tracking down a story
Susan Olasky | Just when you thought it was safe to forget about feminist Bible translations, an International Bible Society decision suggests that a new threat may soon appear
Susan Olasky | Certainly not another faddish, government education program.
Susan Olasky | Where does hope lie?
Susan Olasky | One baby gained a home last month, but hundreds of thousands more languish in foster care, bouncing from one temporary house to another. A new federal law will help such kids, but changes in state law, courtroom procedures, and societal attitudes are...
Susan Olasky | Luis and Pat Palau in the different world of Bill Clinton and the liberal elite
"I'll always love the world that you let me live in"
Susan Olasky | Facing a revolt in pulpits and pews across the country, Zondervan Publishing House and the International Bible Society abandoned changes in the NIV--all the while maintaining the gender-neutral translation would have been more accurate.
Susan Olasky | Zondervan, IBS claim concern over the "gender-accurate" Bible is merely a false alarm, but critics will not back down