Susan is a former WORLD book reviewer, story coach, feature writer, and editor. She has authored eight historical novels for children and resides with her husband, Marvin, in Austin, Texas.
Follow Susan Olasky on Twitter @susanolasky
A Mennonite cookbook may show a way out of the class struggle over food
LDS women turn to blogging as a means for religious outreach
South Carolina churches lose weight for clarity
Rural prosecutor finds a dangerous drug at the root of all kinds of crime
The school year is beginning sooner and the school day is lasting longer throughout the country
Battles over breastfeeding in public bring controversy to an ageless and tender practice
'Solemn' pig slaughtering and 'honoring' of soon-to-be-eaten goats suggests idolatry
Roots music sisters try to make a career on routes less traveled
Books about dealing with the effects of disease and with life on the mission field are among WORLD's top picks of subscriber-submitted titles