Steven Wedgeworth | WORLD
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Steven Wedgeworth

Steven Wedgeworth

Steven Wedgeworth is the rector of Christ Church Anglican in South Bend, Ind. He has written for Desiring God Ministries, the Gospel Coalition, the Council for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, and Mere Orthodoxy and served as a founding board member of the Davenant Institute. Steven is married and has three children.

Articles by Steven Wedgeworth
Bleeding hearts and grinning trolls

Bleeding hearts and grinning trolls

Steven Wedgeworth | Solving the immigration crisis is hard for everyone

Steven Wedgeworth | Understanding his promotion of Christianity for young men

Steven Wedgeworth | The denomination’s defense of moral orthodoxy gives its university a mandate to change course

Steven Wedgeworth | Don’t sacrifice culture in fighting the culture war


Steven Wedgeworth | The capitulation of a Christian publisher

Steven Wedgeworth | Christians cannot afford to ignore this powerful form of communication

Steven Wedgeworth | A new study reveals changing American attitudes toward children undergoing sex-change procedures

Steven Wedgeworth | The disconnect between gender theory and gender science

Steven Wedgeworth | Conservative and evangelical institutions were once wishy-washy on life issues—but no more