Steve West | WORLD
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Steve West

Steve West

Steve is a reporter for WORLD. A graduate of World Journalism Institute, he worked for 34 years as a federal prosecutor in Raleigh, N.C., where he resides with his wife.

Follow Steve West on Twitter @slntplanet

Articles by Steve West

Steve West - Adult stories in child-sized words

Children’s books proclaim grown-up truth little people can understand

Court blocks controversial transgender mandate

A lawsuit against a Minnesota school district is about more than posters

Three new cases present the Supreme Court with an opportunity to clarify the scope of autonomy for religious institutions


Justice Department drops a lawsuit against a hospital that forced a nurse to assist abortion

School district sets new policy for the way teachers address transgender students

Fitting all the pieces together takes patience and foresight

Judge’s dismissal likely to spark a county-by-county fight

South Florida churches lose bid for inclusion in Amazon charitable donation program

University vaccine mandates stoke concerns about emergency health powers