Roy Maynard | WORLD
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Roy Maynard

Roy is a former WORLD reporter.

Articles by Roy Maynard
The decline of the American museum

The decline of the American museum

In 1999, WORLD took a tour of the nation’s worldview warehouses

Roy Maynard | THE DECLINE OF FAMILY ON TV: If Dad as depicted on television is nothing more than Archie Bunker or Homer Simpson, it's small wonder that Murphy Brown figured she'd be better off without a husband

Christians should learn from Cosby, Murphy

PBS series at least recognizes that liberals want discretion exercised, too


Despite his track record, the director promises that The Lord of the Rings will be done right

Hot toys this holiday season run the gamut from anything wrestling to anything interactive

Two manuals for young girls: One markets feminism, lesbianism, and abortion to 10-year-olds; the other tells the story of a daughter who stood by her embattled father

Divorce drama, like the real thing, turns out to be messy and unpleasant

A professional wrestler takes off his mask

A lesson from 1900 for the scientists of 2000