Rachel Roth Aldhizer | WORLD
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Rachel Roth Aldhizer

Rachel Roth Aldhizer

Rachel Roth Aldhizer lives and writes in North Carolina, where she is an unlikely disability advocate and mom to four kids, one of whom is profoundly disabled. Her work on disability policy and a theology of suffering has appeared in numerous publications, including Public Discourse, Plough, and The American Conservative.

Articles by Rachel Roth Aldhizer
An ethically untenable bill looms before us

An ethically untenable bill looms before us

Rachel Roth Aldhizer | The pain of infertility doesn’t justify government mandates for IVF treatments

Rachel Roth Aldhizer | Dignity for all means dignity for the disabled

Rachel Roth Aldhizer | A disabled child is not a threat to a mother’s life