R. Albert Mohler Jr. | WORLD
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R. Albert Mohler Jr.

R. Albert Mohler Jr.

Albert is president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Boyce College and editor of WORLD Opinions. He is also the host of The Briefing and Thinking in Public. He is the author of several books, including The Gathering Storm: Secularism, Culture, and the Church. He is the seminary’s Centennial Professor of Christian Thought and a minister, having served as pastor and staff minister of several Southern Baptist churches.

Articles by R. Albert Mohler Jr.
Why draw the line here?

Why draw the line here?

R. Albert Mohler Jr. | E.J. Dionne asks why conservative Christians continue to resist gay marriage

R. Albert Mohler Jr. | A president’s most important promise is to defend the Constitution

R. Albert Mohler Jr. | Yesterday, the United States Senate surrendered marriage

R. Albert Mohler Jr. | This is how conservatism dies, and this is how marriage is surrendered


R. Albert Mohler Jr. | And it’s not just marriage at stake, but religious freedom as well

R. Albert Mohler Jr. | Yes, and the next one will be even more so. Here’s why

R. Albert Mohler Jr. | Calvin University to retain faculty who disagree with doctrinal statement on LGBTQ relationships

R. Albert Mohler Jr. | If you resist the LGBTQ revolution when it comes to your kids, they want to charge you with a crime

R. Albert Mohler Jr. | Your church may cost you your job. Your job may demand your soul

R. Albert Mohler Jr. | Pastor John MacArthur takes on Gov. Gavin Newsom