Onize Ohikere | WORLD
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Onize Ohikere

Onize Ohikere

Onize is WORLD’s Africa reporter and deputy global desk chief. She is a World Journalism Institute graduate and earned a journalism degree from Minnesota State University–Moorhead. Onize resides in Abuja, Nigeria.

Follow Onize Ohikere on Twitter @onize_ohiks

Articles by Onize Ohikere

Similar outcries echo in other countries

Plus: Protests in Mexico, fuel flows in Haiti, and counting down for the World Cup

Plus: an energy crisis in Moldova, a rocket strike on rebels in Syria, and protests against government mismanagement of a financial crisis in Ghana


Christians worldwide commit to a month of prayer and remembrance

Plus: bombings in Somalia, Lebanon’s leader leaves office, and children return to classrooms in Niger

The country now averages more than 1,000 cases a month

Plus: Hurricane cleanup in Mexico, a failed election in Lebanon, and a wildfire in Tanzania

Churches rally support for affected communities

Plus: Nigerian floods, Paris protests, Sukkot in Jerusalem