Nick Eicher | WORLD
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Nick Eicher

Nick Eicher

Nick is chief content officer of WORLD and co-host for WORLD Radio. He has served WORLD Magazine as a writer and reporter, managing editor, editor, and publisher. Nick resides with his family in St. Louis, Mo.

Articles by Nick Eicher

Kicker - Ice cream emergency

Canadian helicopter pilot finds himself in hot water over his ice cold craving

Calls and emails on our last month of coverage

Proof that dogs aren’t the only best friends humans have

A very special manual for the Apple II computer sells at auction


The disaster in Afghanistan could have ripple effects in domestic economic policy

The scenes unfolding in Afghanistan today bring back some bad, 20-year-old memories

Co-founders Nick Eicher and Joseph Slife recall how WORLD Radio got its start

Social media has amped the pressure all young people feel

Paper discovered in a chimney takes man back to his childhood

German man faces an ultimatum over his illegal tank