Nick is chief content officer of WORLD and co-host for WORLD Radio. He has served WORLD Magazine as a writer and reporter, managing editor, editor, and publisher. Nick resides with his family in St. Louis, Mo.
Summaries of eight opinions handed down last week
Now is the time to invest in future fruitfulness, not short-term policy objectives
One year after the end of Roe v. Wade, the divide over abortion has grown significantly
Plus, listener questions about the Great Depression and how to measure a boycott’s effect on a company’s bottom line
Florida professor resurfaces after months living in an underwater lodge
Humans meeting each other’s needs comes before concerns like inflation or market value
The Nation’s Report Card recent assessment shows that students continue to fall behind in history and civics, and it’s not just COVID’s fault
A man in Florida rides a shark trying to free it from a fishing line
A bear in Connecticut raids a bakery’s delivery van and demolishes 60 cupcakes