Myrna Brown | WORLD
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Myrna Brown

Myrna Brown

Myrna is a WORLD Radio host and correspondent. She is a graduate of the World Journalism Institute mid-career course and Luther Rice College and Seminary. Myrna has worked as a TV news reporter, public affairs show host, and producer. She resides with her husband in Spanish Fort, Ala. They have four adult children.

Follow Myrna Brown on Twitter @MyrnaBrown65

Articles by Myrna Brown

Washington Wednesday: Challenging voting laws

Debates continue in Washington and around the country about the election laws that affect votes for control of Congress and state-level offices

Recent advances seem to be forcing many Russian troops to retreat or surrender in eastern Ukraine

Although marriage has been redefined by culture, the reality of sex, marriage, and babies still exists

Comments and critiques from listeners


Celebrities to politicians are peddling misinformation about abortion

A circuit court ruling supports bans on speech in eight states

With midterms around the corner, issues like abortion and same-sex marriage are getting the spotlight

A slow news day with a good headline

Queen Elizabeth II leaves behind a legacy after 70 years on the throne

TobyMac releases his first album after the death of his son