Myrna Brown | WORLD
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Myrna Brown

Myrna Brown

Myrna is a WORLD Radio host and correspondent. She is a graduate of the World Journalism Institute mid-career course and Luther Rice College and Seminary. Myrna has worked as a TV news reporter, public affairs show host, and producer. She resides with her husband in Spanish Fort, Ala. They have four adult children.

Follow Myrna Brown on Twitter @MyrnaBrown65

Articles by Myrna Brown
Bans on speech

Bans on speech

A circuit court ruling supports bans on speech in eight states

With midterms around the corner, issues like abortion and same-sex marriage are getting the spotlight

A slow news day with a good headline

Queen Elizabeth II leaves behind a legacy after 70 years on the throne


TobyMac releases his first album after the death of his son

The UN released a long-awaited report on human rights transgressions in China

A story of God’s faithfulness during the pandemic

Does engagement in the public square conflict with parents discipling their children?

WORLD is launching a new broadcast project

The United States has entered a new era of space exploration