Mindy Belz | WORLD
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Mindy Belz

Mindy Belz

Mindy, a former senior editor for WORLD Magazine, wrote the publication’s first cover story in 1986. She has covered wars in Syria, Afghanistan, Africa, and the Balkans and is author of They Say We Are Infidels: On the Run From ISIS With Persecuted Christians in the Middle East. Mindy resides in Asheville, N.C.

Follow Mindy Belz on Twitter @MindyBelz

Articles by Mindy Belz

Hope in numbers

On the sixth anniversary of the start of the war, statistical and polling numbers reveal an optimistic Iraq

By forcing foreign aid workers out, leaders in Sudan and Afghanistan put their quest for power over the needs of their own people

Mindy Belz | Individual Development Accounts and a will to save are teaching Houston's poor how to be rich

Selling off human rights is no way to buy economic peace


Who's accountable on the business end of a government giveaway?

"Milk" gets its say but "Slumdog" wins the day

The problem at Gitmo is not the prisoners

They visit even magazines in transition

Mindy Belz | Richard John Neuhaus, 1936-2009

In provincial elections Saturday, Iraqis cast votes they hope will return control of the country to the people