Meghan Keane | WORLD
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Meghan Keane

Meghan is a former WORLD contributor.

Articles by Meghan Keane
Sister act

Sister act

Boleyn casts its starlets against type, with limited success

Definitely, Maybe demands far too much from a little actress

Sugar doesn't fall into sports clichés

Meghan Keane | A writers' strike and fears about 2009's movie season do not prompt studios to open up their wallets at Sundance


With Cassandra's Dream, Woody Allen returns to old themes and inevitable endings

Actors don't fit their characters in Charlie Wilson's War

Diving Bell is a loving portrait of an amazing writer

Juno captures the awkward development of teen maturity

Starting Out loses the delicate balance of Morton's book

Kidman leaves Margot at the Wedding with a cold center