Matthew P. Ristuccia | WORLD
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Matthew P. Ristuccia

Matthew is a former WORLD contributor.

Articles by Matthew P. Ristuccia
No one was saved

No one was saved

It was 40 years ago today that the Beatles' 'utopia' officially fell apart

Matthew P. Ristuccia | Milton's birthday galas miss the point

A mother teaches her sons how to fight

Repackaging classical arguments for a relativistic age


Matthew P. Ristuccia | Forty years ago Beatlemania peaked

Suffering demands desperate faith and desperate friends

The abortion battle is the latest installment of a struggle older than Solomon

The first version of the holiday reminds us to repent

Little choices, like climbing a tree, can take wings and fly

Matthew P. Ristuccia | Two recent books-one by a Christian and one not-show dramatic contrasts