Mary Reichard | WORLD
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Mary Reichard

Mary Reichard

Mary is co-host, legal affairs correspondent, and dialogue editor for WORLD Radio. She is also co-host of the Legal Docket podcast. Mary is a graduate of World Journalism Institute and St. Louis University School of Law. She resides with her husband near Springfield, Mo.

Articles by Mary Reichard
Legal Docket: Resolving disputes

Legal Docket: Resolving disputes

How to do better with disputes and reconciliation

What does it mean for the former president … and the FBI?

A man on death row wants his pastor with him in the execution chamber but had to sue the Texas Department of Criminal Justice for it to happen

What would their membership mean to the United States and its allies?


Season Three launches today and covers it all–abortion, guns, religion and much more

What happens when the government retaliates against citizens for exercising their constitutional rights

What does the July jobs report really tell us and what is the hidden cost of inflation?

Democrats in the Senate have proposed legislation they believe will help beat back inflation

A YMCA lifeguard jumps in at the opportune moment

Abortion, guns, religion—our third season covers it all. Get personal with a Supreme Court artist. Understand how the latest decisions from our nation's highest court shape our immediate futures.