Mark Bergin | WORLD
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Mark Bergin

Mark is a former WORLD reporter.

Articles by Mark Bergin
Getting over Brett

Getting over Brett

The sports world is done buying Favre's tough-guy act, and not too interested in his football either

The NFL's quest for safety clashes head-on with the culture of the almighty hit

One football team's most meaningful points were not those scored but those surrendered

Athletes wrestle with the decision of whether to compete on the days when their children are born


Despite two top draft picks and two record contracts, the Nationals are years away from hope

A blustering media fanned Dungy's innocuous views into 'reality' news

A triad of upsets breathes new competitive life into three once-dominated sports

It will be a terrible blow to many people if it turns out that cycling great Lance Armstrong was a doper, but there could be a silver lining

LeBron James is no longer captain, nor king

Soccer's defending world champions never looked the part in South Africa