Lynn Vincent | WORLD
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Lynn Vincent

Lynn Vincent

Lynn is co–chief content officer of WORLD News Group. She is the New York Times bestselling author or co-author of a dozen nonfiction books, including Same Kind of Different As Me and Indianapolis. Lynn lives in the mountains east of San Diego.

Articles by Lynn Vincent

Strange changes

Lynn Vincent | Textbook publishers, retailers, and insurers size up their industries in the post-9/11 world

Lynn Vincent | The 9/11 attacks spur private-sector biotech research and inspire would-be firemen, but they fail to change Americans' taste in automobiles

Lynn Vincent | If jihad militants attack again from the sky, it may not be with a big commercial airliner

Lynn Vincent | Retailers redraw Christmas plans, companies brace for a war economy, and banks try to avoid losses


Lynn Vincent | Federal officials are trying to prepare state and local governments for future terrorist attacks, but-as one expert put it-counting the potential threats leads "somewhere into that space between despair and madness"

Lynn Vincent | Congress moves to tighten bankruptcy laws, Bush rebate hikes income, and other business news

Lynn Vincent | A new education tax credit, by giving choice to those who pay the bills, may be constitutionally bulletproof

Lynn Vincent | searches for profit, stock pundits strike out, and California's energy crisis eases

Lynn Vincent | Teachers take the blame for public-school failings, but lockstep salary schedules hold good teachers down