Lynde Langdon | WORLD
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Lynde Langdon

Lynde Langdon

Lynde is WORLD’s executive editor for news. She is a graduate of World Journalism Institute, the Missouri School of Journalism, and the University of Missouri–St. Louis. Lynde resides with her family in Wichita, Kan.

Follow Lynde Langdon on Twitter @lmlangdon

Articles by Lynde Langdon

Cell oversell

November was not a good month for embryonic stem-cell research

The chemical in turkey fabled to cause drowsiness may relieve symptoms of MS

Lynde Langdon | Better to wash hands than wait for a vaccine with this potential pandemic

Lynde Langdon | Half a million embryos wait in a cryogenic limbo whose parameters few doctors, theologians, or parents can define


Lynde Langdon | Why aren't cloning advocates happier about recent stem-cell breakthroughs?

Lynde Langdon | His recent flip-flop on stem-cell research is part of a practiced Bill Frist routine

Lynde Langdon | Senate majority leader torments pro-lifers, tickles advocates for embryonic research with a stem-cell reversal, and tempts the president to his first-ever veto

Lynde Langdon | Lawmakers rush to OK new stem-cell funding after Koreans clone embryos

Lynde Langdon | Cutting-edge researchers are making unheralded breakthroughs with stem cells from umbilical cords-but have a hard time breaking through the NIH funding wall.