Kristin Chapman | WORLD
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Kristin Chapman

Kristin Chapman

Kristin is the children's book page editor and an editorial assistant for WORLD Magazine. She graduated from two World Journalism Institutes, including one in Asheville and one in Austin. Kristin resides with her husband, Jarrett, and their three children in New Castle, Pa.

Articles by Kristin Chapman

2016 News of the Year: Events

Kristin Chapman | A month-by-month look at the biggest news events of the past year

Rediscovered picture books

Kristin Chapman |

Kristin Chapman | More than a dozen states last year made it easier to protect life


Kristin Chapman | A quick look at the biggest events of the past year

Kristin Chapman | Four picture book biographies

Kristin Chapman |

Kristin Chapman | Some January-November remarkable providences

Kristin Chapman | A diverse group of Republican leaders are emerging as possible running mates for likely GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney