Kristen is CEO, president, and general counsel at Alliance Defending Freedom.
Follow Kristen Waggoner on Twitter @KWaggonerADF
Kristen Waggoner | When it comes to gender sanity, let’s stand with all those who still hold to common sense
Kristen Waggoner | Christians cannot afford to abandon academia
Kristen Waggoner | The country's Supreme Court has opportunity to strike down deadly blasphemy laws
Kristen Waggoner | Recent court decision protects students who want to live out their faith
Kristen Waggoner | Today’s arguments before the high court will make that question clear
Kristen Waggoner | The problems with the bill were—and are—dangerous for religious freedom
Kristen Waggoner | The religious liberty “protections” in this dangerous Senate bill are hollow and won’t protect Americans from the bill’s harms
Kristen Waggoner | Portuguese couple fights to protect their children from sexual indoctrination
Kristen Waggoner | Some universities turn to no-contact orders as weapons to banish religious and conservative viewpoints
Kristen Waggoner | The Supreme Court won’t take up a defamation case involving the SPLC, but the fight is not over