Katie J. McCoy | WORLD
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Katie J. McCoy

Katie J. McCoy

Katie J. McCoy is director of women’s ministry at Texas Baptists.

Articles by Katie J. McCoy
A test of America’s moral condition

A test of America’s moral condition

Katie J. McCoy | The proposal to make women register for the draft reveals the sad state of our country’s spiritual and cultural health

Katie J. McCoy | The left’s justification of Oct. 7 atrocities reveals inverted morality

Katie J. McCoy | Let the detransition lawsuits begin

Katie J. McCoy | But the LGBTQ movement still controls most policies


Katie J. McCoy | The looming battle over teens and “gender dysphoria”

Katie J. McCoy | Retailer teams up with very dark forces to promote LGBT agenda

Katie J. McCoy | It’s not easy to be a woman when men pretend to be one as well

Katie J. McCoy | Celebrated doll maker now tries to convince some girls they’re boys