June Cheng | WORLD
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June Cheng

June Cheng

June is a reporter for WORLD. She is a World Journalism Institute graduate and covers East Asia, including China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.

Follow June Cheng on Twitter @JuneCheng_World

Articles by June Cheng
Backpedaling the birth policy

Backpedaling the birth policy

Will the Chinese government soon nix its longstanding birth limits for families?

As Chinese activists commemorate Tiananmen Square, the government remains silent about the 1989 massacre

In China, “house churches” can be more sophisticated than many outsiders realize

New book Patriot Number One profiles Chinese Democracy activists transplanted in New York


On the 10th anniversary of the Sichuan earthquake, Chinese authorities played catch-and-release with house church members who commemorated the disaster

China pressures international airlines to toe the party line

Government officials target Christian churches in China’s Henan region

A recent report shows the Chinese government’s use of forced confessions

Bible sales restrictions at online retailers in China are part of the Communist government’s effort to control religion

The ‘Napalm Girl’ of Vietnam says a bomb pointed her to Christ